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When is ACTORPRENEUR released?ACTORPRENEUR launch date is 04/11/20 for the paperback and ebook. The audiobook version will be available soon. Sign up for updates.
How do I purchase a copy of ACTORPRENEURAfter 04/11/20 ACTORPRENEUR will be available to purchase on amazon. You will be able to find links on the home page.
Will there be an audiobook version?Yes! It's coming. Subscribe or follow us on social media for updates.
Is Jade available for speaking or other opportunities?Jade would love to hear from you. Do get in touch directly for any speaking, interviews or writing work. For voiceover enquiries please visit For acting enquries please contact her agent Cherry at CHERRY PARKER MANAGEMENT Phone: 01702 522647 Mobile: 07976 547066 E-mail:
Who is ACTORPRENEUR suitable for?The book has a diverse range of information which is useful for actors at all stages of their careers. From new actors to successful actors. We recomend for ages 15+ as the book does touch on performing intimate scenes.
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